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Keep your message in front of your audience with long lasting removable adhesive decals.

You can even create branded stickers to protect your computers or tablets.

They work great for counter mats, removable car stickers, bumper stickers or hard hat decals.

If you are looking for something less permanent, shop our wide variety of magnets from small refrigerator magnets to large magnetic dry erase boards.

They come in an amazing variety of sizes and shapes to fit your every need.

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Let us help you elevate your brand.

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Manufacturer direct discount pricing.

Being a member of one of the industry's largest buying groups means Big Star Branding is able to offer the highest quality at the lowest prices. We match any competitor's pricing on stickers, decals and magnets.

If you don't see the stickers, decals and magnets you're looking for or have questions about customizing promotional items with an imprint of your brand, logo, or idea, call us at 210.590.2662.

We know what you need:

Low Risk

Better Quality

Greater Savings
